It occurred to me after driving past yet another useless warning to vote Republican if you don't want taxes to increase that perhaps the constituency wasn't aware of exactly what was going on in Concord. What is written is often half a story and slanted to move you emotionally to action. Knowing when you're being manipulated is important and understanding that actions taken without full understanding serve no one well. Government tends to be reactive rather than preventative, and when we aren't even aware of a problem, we should have our eyes on the horizon for the erosion of rights or raising of our budget under the guise of liberty and freedom.
Often, the most marginalized citizens are victim to the Paper Tiger, and receive the full brunt of political attacks out of sheer ignorance, and a lack of evidence doesn't seem to dissuade those acting against their freedoms of the error of acting without facts, based solely on an emotional reaction. If your party asks for blind loyalty in trusting whatever they say without the benefit of testing your knowledge with the clarity of another's perspective, you're doing it wrong. It's not to say that folks who see things differently are completely correct, and you must accept their position equal to your own. Its saying that sometimes the more you know, the less your perspective is being tested, and having an outsider's point of view can be helpful in gaining better perspective. Scientists, medical professionals, and others in the technology industry understand that when we know more, we do better, and when we have the full picture, we are less likely to do unknown harm to others we did not intend to. Evidence is not personal. How we apply it is.
Recognize your neighbor has similar values to you, but different priorities for them than yourself. They are not "evil" or committing crimes. They are simply applying their life experience in a different way than you. We're Yankees and we don't fight about politics with our neighbors; We discuss them with force, but we are civil and keep grace and harmony above our own agenda. We get along, try to avoid sticky subjects, and help our neighbor in any way they need when they need it because we are a village. After almost a quarter century in Hollis, I am still amazed and grateful for the sheer number of folks to step up to help those in need, without regard for their money or time. It's this precious ethic I hope you remind yourself about whenever you start to argue with your neighbor. Yes, you disagree, but it's not the end of the world. You can still watch the Patriots together and take care of their cats when they go on vacation.
Right-fighters tend to isolate themselves in any discussion, and no one wants to engage with someone whose point of view is already keeping score against you. Try to remind yourself that others had not the benefit of what you know, and what you know might not be as valid as you think it is. Avoid the wedge issues if you can't resist this trigger. And call me. I'll take over any argument on behalf of legislation education and gaining wisdom from my constituents.
Kindness matters. Keep the bridges open.